Only Pick Once – Multi-Object Picking Algorithms for Picking Exact Number of Objects Efficiently

Tech ID: 23T047


  • OPOS revolutionizes object picking with graph-based algorithms, topological analysis, and simultaneous multi-item retrieval, significantly enhancing operational efficiency, and reducing time and labor.
  • OPOS's high success rates for two and three objects when only picking once indicate its reliability and robustness. This reliability minimizes the risk of errors and system failures, ensuring consistent performance in demanding environments
  • The capacity of OPOS to adapt to objects of various sizes, shapes, and materials, even those it has not encountered before, enhances its versatility, and simplifies system maintenance and deployment by reducing the need for extensive reprogramming or reconfiguration.


In today's fiercely competitive business environment, operational efficiency is paramount for maintaining a competitive edge, and the Only-Pick-Once System (OPOS) stands out as a true industry disruptor. OPOS redefines the landscape of object-picking processes through a holistic approach that simplifies the retrieval of multiple items with a single pick. Leveraging sophisticated graph-based algorithms, OPOS transforms object layouts into well-structured graphs, efficiently clusters nodes, and ranks candidate clusters based on their topological properties. It’s remarkable distinction lies in its remarkable success rates, particularly when tasked with picking two or three objects simultaneously. By outperforming conventional single object-picking methods, OPOS substantially elevates overall operational efficiency, serving as a catalyst for improved productivity.

Furthermore, OPOS incorporates a state-of-the-art multi-object picking predictor, powered by a convolutional neural network. This predictive capability adds a layer of sophistication by estimating the number of objects that can be securely picked up at a specific gripper location and orientation. This not only enhances operational efficiency but also reduces the risk of damaging fragile or sensitive objects by minimizing unnecessary handling. What truly sets OPOS apart is its remarkable adaptability. It excels in the ability to generalize across diverse object sizes and shapes, positioning itself as a versatile solution applicable across a wide spectrum of industries, including logistics, manufacturing, retail, and healthcare. This adaptability not only saves time but also simplifies the intricate operational challenges associated with managing a diverse inventory. In summary, the Only-Pick-Once System (OPOS) represents a groundbreaking innovation that directly addresses the pressing need for efficiency in object picking processes across various industries. Its fusion of cutting-edge technologies, predictive prowess, and adaptability cements its status as a transformative solution, empowering businesses to attain unmatched levels of efficiency and productivity in their daily operations. OPOS isn't just a game-changer; it represents the future of object picking.

Overview of the Only-Pick-Once System (OPOS). module1 generates the neighbor graph. module2 extracts clusters from the neighbor graph. module3 ranks the clusters based on our ranking algorithm. module4 generates grasping poses for the top-ranked cluster based on our sampling procedure. module5 does collision checking on candidate grasping poses and keeps the collision free grasping poses. module6 estimates the number of grasped objects with confidence for each grasping pose. module7 checks the confidence with a preset threshold and passes the command to robot for action.

Desired Partnerships:

  • License
  • Sponsored Research
  • Co-Development

Technology Transfer
(813) 974-0994

