Transiently Porous Cryogel Composite Structures for Fast Carbon Dioxide Capture from Air for Useful Chemical Products

Tech ID: 23T067


  • Efficient CO2 capture and conversion, reducing greenhouse emissions effectively with eco-friendly results for sustainability.
  • Versatile industry integration for addressing CO2 concerns, enhancing environmental impact across diverse sectors.
  • Maximizes CO2 capture efficiency through advanced material utilization, ensuring resourceful and sustainable solutions.


This technology involves the creation of a unique porous material using polyethylene imine cryogels that can effectively capture carbon dioxide (CO2) from the air and industrial emissions. It goes a step further by incorporating special metal nanoparticles within these cryogels to transform the captured CO2 into valuable products like methanol, ethanol, carbonic acid, and methane when exposed to gases like oxygen, hydrogen, or air. What makes this innovation even more remarkable is its versatility, as it can be applied in various industries, including power plants and factories, where CO2 emissions are a concern. By utilizing materials like graphene, carbon nanotubes, and more, this technology offers an eco-friendly solution to tackle CO2 emissions and potentially turn them into useful chemicals, contributing to a more sustainable future.

Proposed porous composite structures for CO2 absorption based on L-PEI cryogel network.

Desired Partnerships:

  • License
  • Sponsored Research
  • Co-Development


Technology Transfer
(813) 974-0994

