In-band Full-duplex Waveform Coexistence For Joint Communication And Sensing

Tech ID: 21A064

Competitive Advantages

  • Increases the overall performance regarding throughput and sensing capability
  • These full-duplex systems enhances the performance gains more and more
  • Lattice structures, pulse shapes and dedicated symbols in different waveforms, their separability property can be further improved by using the full-duplex structures


In order to achieve a more economical spectrum and hardware usage, it is suggested that sensing and communication should be performed using the same radio and frequency band. This invention proposes a scheme that could be used for joint sensing and communication for in-band full duplex radios. The main idea is to utilize superimposed waveforms for sensing and communication, and separate these in the receiver in order to extract the relevant information. Though the transceiver is able to perform sensing, transmission and reception simultaneously, it is suggested that the it should be able to adapt, and perform any combination of these operations in order to maintain operational under varying conditions. In this study, additional degree of freedom regarding coexistence of different waveforms which are optimized for both application separately is introduced from the full-duplex systems point of view.


General IBFD-JCAS Scheme

Desired Partnerships

  • License 
  • Sponsored Research 
  • Co-Development 





Technology Transfer
(813) 974-0994
