Wireless Efficient Privacy, Authentication and Resiliency Technologies for Forensic and Sensitive Data

Tech ID: 21B144

Competitive Advantages

  • Shows a near-optimal performance at the logger (e.g., resource limited IoT device).
  • Achieves post-quantum security.
  • FHE-based alternatives are ideal for single-server setting without a collusion-risk.
  • Develop strategies to achieve scalable signature verification for constructions.


This invention creates a new series of compromise-resilient and compact cryptographic techniques that are as efficient as symmetric schemes at the low-end wireless device (e.g., logger), but are publicly verifiable and resilient at the verifier side (e.g., auditor), thereby meeting the efficiency and security needs of heterogeneous wireless networks and loTs. The proposed schemes overcome the dilemma of scalable and public verification versus symmetric key efficiency by enabling an encrypted evaluation of verification process via Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE). The proposed technology enables optimally efficient data and audit log protection for wireless and IoT devices with breach-resiliency, thereby paving the ways for trustworthy digital forensics at large-scales for security-sensitive IoT applications. All these schemes achieve public verifiability, non-repudiation, and advanced features (i.e., forward-security, aggregation) with thousands of times faster signing/encryption at the sender compared to their alternatives, but with the cost of more expensive verification.

High-level description of the proposed multi-logger forward secure publicly verifiable MAC via FHE.

Desired Partnerships

  • License
  • Sponsored Research
  • Co-Development


Technology Transfer
(813) 974-0994

