Bubble-Based Ion Source System for Mass Spectrometers

Tech ID: 14A099

Competitive Advantages

  •     Handles complex samples
  •     Ions generated at low voltages
  •     No filters necessary
  •     Multiple applications


Inventors at USF have developed a bubble-based ion source and transport system that can generate and carry ions to a target. The bubbles are designed to burst at a liquid/gas interface in the presence of an electric field. The ions are then collected and analyzed. The system can manage complex samples, requires minimal sample preparation and does not utilize a filter. This technique may be used with mass spectrometer, as a printing substrate, or as a charge capture for energy production.  Furthermore, this method is compatible with many current mass analyzers such as Orbitrap and Quadrupole Ion Trap. The ions generated may be used for analysis, material deposition or electrical power generation.  

The Concept of Ion Sourcing for Ion Mobility or Mass Spectrometry Through Bubble Bursting 

Desired Partnership

  • License

Technology Transfer
(813) 974-0994
