Dual Ligand Sol-gel Sorbent Combining Superthydrophobicity and TT-TT Interaction

Tech ID: 16B181

Competitive Advatanges

  •     Enhanced extraction and preconcentration of nonpolar/hydrophobic analytes
  •     Provide superior enrichment of nonpolar analytes
  •     Optimized sorbent performance


Our inventors have achieved enhanced extraction and pre-concentration of nonpolar/hydrophobic analytes with sol-gel sorbent.  This design will simultaneously possess two surface-bonded organic ligand that provide superior enrich-ment of nonpolar analytes by cooperatively exploiting su-perhydrophobicity of one ligand and π-π interaction of the other. Sorbent performance can be enhanced further by substi-tuting silica with germania, this will improve sorbent per-formance in terms of analyte enrichment and sorbent stability. 

Chemical Structure of the Sol-Gel Coating 

Desired Partnerships

  • License
  • Sponsored Research
  • Co-Development

Technology Transfer
(813) 974-0994

