Dynamic Parameter Estimation of Synchronous Generators

Tech ID: 12A030

Competitive Advantages

  • Real-time dynamic estimation
  • Does not require taking generator offline
  • Accurate two-state four-parameter estimation
  • Reduces computing cost


The inventors have designed a new method that makes parameter and state estimation of a synchronous generator simple. The application can perform real-time dynamic estimation for subsystems. This application can perform on-line estimation, hence does not require decommitting the generator and provides accurate operational-state readings. The model can estimate the state and parameter related to electromechanical dynamics. It gives reasonable estimation for two-state four-parameter estimation and has a limited capability to handle the two-state five-parameter estimation. Relay manufacturers can incorporate this model into their measurement devices for synchronophasor measurements. 

Kalman Filtering Technology Using PMU Data 

Desired Partnerships

  • License
  • Sponsored Research
  • Co-Development

Technology Transfer
(813) 974-0994

