Video-based Intelligent Road Traffic Universal Analysis tooL (VIRTUAL)

Tech ID: 18B141

Competitive Advantages

  • Easy for traffic analysis
  • Reliable
  • Cost effective
  • Faster
  • Long range and high accuracy
  • High automation


USF inventors have proposed a tool that can extract videos of vehicle trajectory, speed, acceleration, headway, spacing profiles, and lane changing movements. The tool first extracts detailed vehicle trajectories with vehicle classification and lane number with customized tracking and adaptive classification algorithms mapped to real-world roadway coordinate systems. The invention also extracts throughput, speed, density for traffic studies at highway facilities like segment, intersections, and roundabouts. The high-resolution videos and drone technologies are less expensive than current methods for collecting massive video data. This tool can help governments and consulting companies complete relevant studies.

Depiction of how Vehicles are Identified

Desired Partnerships

  • License
  • Sponsored Research
  • Co-Development


Technology Transfer
(813) 974-0994
