Energy-Aware Digital Signatures

Tech ID: 19A001

Competitive Advantages

  •     Least energy consumption
  •     Fast signature generation
  •     Enhanced battery life of IoT devices
  •     Memory efficient small private key and signatures


Inventors at USF have devised a unique approach which would help in authentication of IoT devices. The new digital signature scheme referred to as Energy-aware Signature for Embedded Medical devices (ESEM) achieves the least energy consumption, the fastest signature generation along with the smallest signature among its counterparts. The minimal memory and computational requirements allow ESEM to scale to resource limitations, further reducing power consumption. ESEM is also immune to side channel attacks as well as weak pseudo random number generators at the signer’s side at a fraction of the resources used by competing solutions. ESEM can be suitable for deployment on highly resource limited embedded devices in critical IoT, as it saves energy and enhances the battery life of IoT devices. 

Energy Consumed for Signing Against Other Sensor Operations for ESEM and Competitors 

Desired Partnerships

  • License
  • Sponsored Research
  • Co-Development

Technology Transfer
(813) 974-0994
