Here I Am - Location Authentication Application

Tech ID: 19A048

Competitive Advantages

  •     GPS spoofing detection
  •     Real-time authentication
  •     Works on all smartphone and tablet
  •     Easy integration into existing apps


USF inventors have developed a method that combines the location information obtained from a mobile device with a system of authentication that relies on individual biometrics, specifically voice (or even video) to verify an individual's exact location at a specific point in time. This invention has been instantiated as a mobile application combined with software that resides on the cloud servers. The system is designed to detect spoofing of GPS, voice captured from an electronic device, and other fraudulent activities and to deny authentication. Individual components of this functionality have been made available as APIs for integration into existing solutions and services. This invention can be applied in family and employee tracking systems, location-based authentication software and services, and law enforcement offices. 

Screenshot of Authorization Sentence 

Desired Partnerships

  • License
  • Sponsored Research
  • Co-Development