A Zero-Restoring Force Reservoir for Fluidic Systems

Tech ID: 19B145

Competitive Advantages

  •     Inexpensive
  •     Highly reliable
  •     Scalable pump rate
  •     Reduced fabrication complexity


Our inventors have developed peristaltic micro pumps that are fabricated with direct write printing technologies. The micro-pumps are fabricated such that they are scalable to a broad range of pump rates. These novel fabrication methods achieve significant reductions in fabrication complexity, cost, and micro-pump size. The methods not only provide a controlled fluid flow path that minimizes the number of materials and sources of potential failure of conformal coatings, the techniques also enable integration of the micro-pumps directly on traditional printed circuit board assemblies for low-cost, ultra-miniaturized integration of commercial off the shelf control electronics without complicated interconnects and associated failure modes.These peristaltic micro-pumps, due to their ability to be sterilized, can be used in chemical, pharmaceutical, and food industries; medical applications like vascular or neural drug delivery; and drug administration for protective and restorative biotherapies for noise induced-, sensorineural-, and age-related hearing loss, deafness, and vestibular disorders. 

Superior and Inferior View of the Fully Integrated Device Pump Performance Deduced by Volume-Time Graph Showing Volume of Delivered Drug Measured in 10 Minutes 

Desired Partnerships

  • License
  • Sponsored Research
  • Co-Development