Lattice-based Proof-of-Work Algorithms for Post-Quantum Blockchains

Tech ID: 19B176

Competitive Advantages

  • Higher post-quantum resiliency
  • Leveraging the wasted energy
  • Fast verification and adjustable difficulty


Our researchers have developed scalable and efficient quantum-safe PoW algorithms that offer significantly higher resiliency against quantum computers compared to the existing algorithms. First, they created lattice-based puzzles relying on the shortest vector problem that can offer a minimal quantum advantage and easy difficulty adjustment with a slow verification. Then, our researchers developed puzzles relying on Knapsack variants that can permit  fast verification and used cryptanalysis for the proposed puzzles with various lattice sieving solvers and parameters. They also leveraged the wasted energy of hash calculations for the cryptanalysis of lattice-based cryptography. 

High-Level Ideas of the Lattice-Based Proof of Work Design 

Desired Partnerships

  • License
  • Sponsored Research
  • Co-Development


Technology Transfer
(813) 974-0994

