A Practical Method of CO2 Sequestration

Tech ID: 07B109

Competitive Advantages

  • Immobilization of calcium oxide to maintain CO2 absorption capacity
  • Regeneration of original compound for re-use in sequestration process and other applications
  • The repetition of sequestration cyclic operations using the original absorbent


In this invention, in order to minimize these shortcomings, a simple and effective technique of immobilizing the calcium oxide absor-bent as a film on substrates such as fibrous ceramics was devel-oped. The prepared samples indicated a marked improvement in the cyclic life and durability of the absorbent in repeated CO2 ab-sorption-regeneration cycles. The process and the device of this invention can capture CO2 at the source, such as a coal power plant, so that CO2 from the power plant may be sequestered. The process and the device of this invention can also be used in hydro-gen production from biomass while increasing the hydrogen yield by 125% and reducing the tars. 

Calcium Oxide Absorbent on Ceramic Fibers in Cyclic Operation 

Desired Partnerships

  • License
  • Sponsored Research
  • Co-Development

Technology Transfer
(813) 974-0994
