A Dual Polarized Feed Structure Applicable to a Single Antenna or an Array

Tech ID: 05A034


Our inventors have developed a method and device for the collection of electromagnetic energy using a dual polarized antenna for the collection of solar energy, overcoming the identified deficiencies of prior systems. The device intercepts randomly polarized electromagnetic waves which is excited through an aperture by using two well-isolated orthogonal feeds.  Simulation and test results at 7 GHz yield convincing evidence that this technique can be used to allow the simultaneous interception of a randomly polarized electromagnetic wave by a single antenna. Furthermore, the concept can be extended to a linear array without difficulty.  
The concept which is also viable at much lower frequencies will be most beneficial in the energy and communications industries. 

Competitive Advantages

  •     Increase efficiency of harvesting solar energy
  •     Intercepts randomly polarized EM waves
  •     Viable at much lower frequencies such as the microwave and RF regions

Dual Polarized Solar Antenna 


Desired Partnerships

  • License
  • Sponsored Research
  • Co-Development